Show opening October 5 at Orange County Center for Contemporary Art

Show opening October 5 at Orange County Center for Contemporary Art

Uncanvased at Orange County Center for Contemporary Art
Curated by Gina Genis
October 5 – 26, 2024

Opening Reception
6:00 – 10:00 pm
Live Music

OCCCA • 117 North Sycamore, Santa Ana, CA. 92701 • 714.667.1517 • • Gallery hours: Noon-5:00 p.m. (Fri, Sat, Sun)

The five artists in the show are Jeff Alu, Hilary Baker, Fred Brashear Jr, M.C. Carrier, and Mallory Cremin.
All artists who do as little damage to the environment as possible. Of course it is impossible as humans to leave no ecological footprint, but this group are mindful of the status of our earth and are working with materials that are less harmful that traditional ones.

Show Announcement