Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc non purus sem. Aenean sed neque lorem. Fusce turpis dui, malesuada nec ipsum nec, tincidunt interdum felis. Sed in vestibulum ante. Morbi vestibulum neque eu elit tincidunt, id pulvinar nibh vestibulum. Sed et varius lectus. Morbi id leo at diam venenatis pretium. Sed hendrerit maximus nulla, vitae ullamcorper tellus finibus sed. Duis vel turpis sed leo vestibulum convallis. Cras viverra nibh eu arcu ultrices dictum. Praesent ut nibh eu nibh placerat consectetur quis eu massa. Cras pulvinar accumsan ligula, id feugiat est accumsan ultrices. Nullam imperdiet, lorem vitae mattis lobortis, nibh ipsum feugiat quam, quis sollicitudin massa urna faucibus ante. Donec ut cursus dolor.
Pacific Gyre
2016, Cyanotype, Cottons
There are five big ocean gyres, that eddy inside the ocean currents, and pool the plastic debris.
There are five big ocean gyres, that eddy inside the ocean currents, and pool the plastic debris.
Plaid Cafe
2014, Cyanotype, cotton
Image of a young Will Lovett, photograms of wild herbs, and a patchwork grid in the syle of the Cafe Wall illusion, where lines appear to bend. Playing with the common idea that we have plenty of fresh water.
Image of a young Will Lovett, photograms of wild herbs, and a patchwork grid in the syle of the Cafe Wall illusion, where lines appear to bend. Playing with the common idea that we have plenty of fresh water.
Water Cafe (Illusion)
2011, Inkjet Photos on cotton calicos, treated with Bubblejet
The design is modelled on the CAfe Wall Illusion, which makes lines appear to bend. Like the illusion that we have plenty of fresh water..
The design is modelled on the CAfe Wall Illusion, which makes lines appear to bend. Like the illusion that we have plenty of fresh water..
Morbi pharetra ligula sed justo rutrum, eget tincidunt diam fringilla. Sed sit amet nisl non enim pulvinar imperdiet. Maecenas commodo ultrices ligula, sit amet facilisis enim aliquam eget. Aliquam quis velit turpis. Sed eu tristique ligula, non congue lectus. Proin efficitur ornare tellus, ac semper quam euismod nec. Cras rhoncus quam at dolor commodo blandit. Suspendisse ullamcorper est ipsum, et faucibus lorem fringilla non. Nulla luctus feugiat risus in maximus. Curabitur sit amet venenatis sem, eu cursus sapien. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Proin non lacus sit amet augue elementum blandit eget a sem. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
2010, Cyanotype, Inkjet, Cottons
Point Reyes Natl Seashore beach with plastic, photograms of toothbrushes
Point Reyes Natl Seashore beach with plastic, photograms of toothbrushes
Front Yard
2006, Cyanotype, Cottons
Garden tools, hose, clumps of Grass… the majoriy of pesticide and fertilizer in our waste stream is from individual homeowners, not factory farms.
Garden tools, hose, clumps of Grass… the majoriy of pesticide and fertilizer in our waste stream is from individual homeowners, not factory farms.
2006, Cyanotype Quilt
The images come from the scary fact that estrogen from Birth Control cannot be filtered Water System. What do pills have in them? Eating carrots is much better for you than a Vitamin A supplement,
The images come from the scary fact that estrogen from Birth Control cannot be filtered Water System. What do pills have in them? Eating carrots is much better for you than a Vitamin A supplement,
Kitchen Sink
2005, Cyanotype, Cottons, applique
Short Every bottle from under my kitchen sink. You can see the ammonia drip had a strong reaction.
Short Every bottle from under my kitchen sink. You can see the ammonia drip had a strong reaction.
Water Ways (Quotes)
1996, Silk, Cyanotypes on cotton, machine stitching.
Monopoly houses, and grass clumps
Monopoly houses, and grass clumps